Enhance Your Curves: Buttock Augmentation at The Maas Clinic™

Men and women who are not happy with the size, shape, or volume of their buttocks may be candidates for a surgical procedure known as buttock augmentation. This procedure uses a synthetic implant to add fullness to the backside, creating sensual curves and adding balance and proportion to the entire body profile. Patients of Dr. Maas that are interested in a butt lift in the Bay Area may schedule a consultation at the Maas Clinic™ to find out if the procedure is right for them and find a plastic surgeon in the area that specializes in this particular surgery.

Buttock augmentation may be recommended for men and women in relatively good health with realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure. Smokers will likely be asked to quit smoking a number of weeks prior to surgery and for a number of weeks after the procedure.

Smoking affects the body’s ability to heal after surgery and can lead to anesthesia-related complications during and after the procedure.

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What is Buttock Augmentation?

This surgical procedure involves the placement of implants into the tissue of the buttocks to add size and volume to the backside. The implants are crafted of a biocompatible, soft silicone gel that looks and feels similar to natural tissue. Different sizes and shapes are available, allowing the plastic surgeon to customize the implants to the unique body shape and desired results of each patient. Implants are placed into the buttocks through an inconspicuous incision in the buttock muscle known as the gluteus maximus. Once the implants are in place, incisions will be closed using tiny sutures to minimize post-operative scarring. In some cases, the buttocks will be surgically lifted into a more youthful position as well during the procedure. Butt augmentation is typically performed on an outpatient basis and may be done using local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia. The choice of anesthesia will depend on a number of factors and will be discussed with the plastic surgeon at the time of the consultation. A buttock lift usually takes 1-2 hours to complete.

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Post Operative Care

After a butt lift, patients normally experience a degree of swelling and mild discomfort, particularly when sitting. These side effects may persist for several weeks, although most patients are able to return to work within 1-2 weeks after surgery. Sitting should be avoided for at least a month to prevent complications and to ensure the best possible results from the procedure. Physical activity is also prohibited for a month or more to ensure complete healing of the buttocks after surgery. Scarring is an inevitable part of any surgical procedure, including buttock augmentation.

Scars will fade over time, with most scars showing significant reduction within the first two years after surgery. Proper care for the incisions and protecting them from direct sun exposure will go far in ensuring the scars fade as much as possible while the full healing of the incisions takes place.

Once the buttocks fully heal from the procedure, the results should be permanent. Younger patients can expect better results than older patients due to issues related to skin elasticity. However, skin laxity can be addressed during the butt augmentation if it is a concern, to ensure the smoothest results at any age.

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Buttock Lift at The Maas Clinic™

There are some complications related to butt augmentation that patients should be aware of before moving forward with the surgery. Some of these potential complications include capsule hardening around the implant, rejection of the implants, and asymmetry between the two buttocks.

Any of these complications could necessitate additional surgery to repair them. As with all surgeries, the risk of infection is always present and precautions to prevent it will be taken.

Dr. Maas has an extensive network of plastic surgeons specializing in the buttock lift procedure in Northern and Southern California. For a referral to a surgeon in your area, please contact us today.

The information about buttock lifts was reviewed by Corey S. Maas MD™. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us using our contact form below.

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