Despite winter’s cold, dreary weather, there is one aspect that usually comes as a relief: whether you wax, shave or epilate, you can give your hair removal tools a bit of a break now that shorts season has ended. If you are among those who would rejoice at the prospect of putting down your razor or wax strip for good, this winter may be the right time to consider laser hair removal. Although many people seek laser hair removal in the summer when body hair is more of a nuisance, at The Maas ClinicTM, we know that there are many good reasons why winter is a better time of the year for this procedure.

Covered for Comfort

To make sure that your laser hair removal can be as effective as possible, you should avoid removing hair from the area you want to treat for at least a few days before your appointment. Additionally, achieving your best results with laser hair removal typically takes multiple sessions, particularly if you want to treat a larger area like your legs or back. Over the course of your treatments, you may end up with the odd patch of hair that you won’t be able to shave. Hiding any awkward and patchy regrowth is much easier in the winter when any outfit can be full-coverage without being uncomfortable. Plus, you have plenty of time to have as many treatments as you need to get rid of your unwanted hair before warmer weather returns.

A Safer Recovery When you treat your skin with any laser procedure, you are increasing your skin’s sensitivity and making it more susceptible to hyperpigmentation. When you have laser treatments done in the summer, you naturally want to head to the beach or pool to show off your smooth skin. However, sun exposure further increases your risk of developing discoloration in the treated areas. Having your laser hair removal done in the winter means you’ll be giving your skin plenty of time away from the sun to recover, so when you do don your swimsuit you won’t need to worry about irritation or dark spots.

The Potential for Better Results

The best candidates for laser hair removal have a high level of contrast between their skin tone and their hair color. The laser energy gravitates toward the dark hair in your hair follicles. The darker your hair in comparison to the surrounding skin, the more energy will be directed into the follicle. If you typically sunbathe in the summer, your hair will lighten while your skin darkens, reducing the contrast and interfering with your results. While pale winter skin might feel unsightly, it is better suited to laser hair removal because it provides a better background for the treatment’s laser energy.

If you think laser hair removal might be right for you this winter, contact The Maas ClinicTM of San Francisco today to schedule your consultation. Our expert staff will help you learn more about laser hair removal and whether you are a good candidate for this treatment. Call us today at 415-567-7000 for more information and to make your first appointment.

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