Can I Fix a Noticeable Scar on My Face?
“I wanted to talk today about scar revision. I've had a number of patients that have come-in in recent weeks with scars on their face or scalp, the areas where they’re most noticeable, of course. In this case a patient, younger patient came in, wit...
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Scar Revision for Acne
“Today, I wanted to talk a little bit about pitted scars, and pitted scars come in a couple of varieties. They are often from previous infectious diseases like chicken pox and now we're hearing about measles, but more commonly they’re from acne.We describe acne...
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Introduction to Scar Revision
“I wanted to comment today a little bit about scars and scar revision because it's a commonly asked question and one that many patients are concerned about. They come in with long existing scars, many times they’ve been told there’s nothing they can do abo...
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Can I Remove a Scar from Brow Lift Surgery?
“I had a question today that was brought to me from a patient that had had a previous brow lift surgery about improving the scar. This patient had gone from basically a full headed hair look to a shaved head look and was concerned about the appearance of a depressed scar.It...
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Treatment Options for Facial Scars
“I wanted to talk a little bit today about scars and I've had a lot of questions about them lately. A patient came in that had a long standing red scar that was caused by road rash. Basically fell, was in an accident and had a scrape on the pavement or asphalt and in...
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Facial Resurfacing After Scar Revision
”I wanted to talk a little bit today about the timing and use even, of resurfacing of the skin after scar revision. I've had a number of patients that have come in after injury, they’ve had scar repairs or they have had a primary repair in an emergency room and...
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Facial Scar Revision in San Francisco
“Today I was asked a number of questions and I thought I'd just give a brief summary on how we manage scars, and really it’s quite simple how we break them down because scars are in different shapes and sizes and locations and how we treat them varies according...
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