Can I Remove a Scar from Brow Lift Surgery?
“I had a question today that was brought to me from a patient that had had a previous brow lift surgery about improving the scar. This patient had gone from basically a full headed hair look to a shaved head look and was concerned about the appearance of a depressed scar.It...
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Forehead Lift Recovery – Post-Operative San Francisco
A forehead lift can make a patient's brow and forehead look years younger by removing drooping skin and recontouring the area. To ensure the best possible results, it’s important to be diligent about your forehead lift recovery.If you treat your healing forehead with...
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Blepharoplasty or a Brow Lift – Which is Best for Sagging Eyelids?
This week, we did several blepharoplasty surgeries and had some post op questions from blepharoplasty patients, in addition to some patient consultation that led to questions that I hear repeatedly, and I wanted to kind of cover a couple of those.One of them is “Which is be...
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