
Restylane Silk Cosmetic Injection Benefits

”I'm excited to talk about a product that has been newly approved by the Food and Drug Administration, the FDA, it’s in the family of Restylane made by a company Galderma and Restylane. As many of you know, there’s Restylane L with Lidocaine and of course...

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Facial Implants vs. Cosmetic Injections

”Implantable materials have been used for many centuries in humans and there been a whole series of them tried. In today's world, we’re using a lot of injectable soft tissue fillers, you’ve heard me talk about them, they are very exciting products, things...

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Rhinoplasty Recovery Time

“I had a patient that came in today that asked a great question, a question that I'm frequently asked about surgeries in general but specifically today about rhinoplasty. This patient is ready for a rhinoplasty, we’ve had a previous consultation and she recently...

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Facial Resurfacing After Scar Revision

”I wanted to talk a little bit today about the timing and use even, of resurfacing of the skin after scar revision. I've had a number of patients that have come in after injury, they’ve had scar repairs or they have had a primary repair in an emergency room and...

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Can Botox Help Open Up My Eyes?

“I had a question today that came up with a patient I was treating with Botox. He had heard from a friend that if you got Botox, your eyes open up when you were smiling. It's actually true to a certain extent that your eyes can be opened slightly by treatment with Bot...

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Hair Removal – San Francisco Unwanted Facial Hair

Have you been looking for a long-term solution for removing embarrassing facial hair? Stop wasting your time with shaving and painful waxing - it's time to come to The Maas ClinicTM’s Appearance Care CenterTM for quick, easy laser hair removal.During...

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Forehead Lift Recovery – Post-Operative San Francisco

A forehead lift can make a patient's brow and forehead look years younger by removing drooping skin and recontouring the area. To ensure the best possible results, it’s important to be diligent about your forehead lift recovery.If you treat your healing forehead with...

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Decoding the Facelift

“I wanted to address an area of confusion not just with patients but amongst doctor with the plethora of these new Q-lifts and S-lifts and Z-lifts and corporate lifts and every kind of lift you can imagine, there is a lot of confusion out there about what is the difference...

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New Restylane Silk Cosmetic Filler

”I had the opportunity last weekend, the weekend of October 25th to spend some time with the key opinion leaders on cosmetic injectable in Montreal Canada working with the company Gal Derma that now has Dysport and of course for many years has been involve with Restylane wo...

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Hairgraft Surgery at The Maas ClinicTM in San Francisco

”We're doing these very tiny micro grafts which is a technique that we’ve developed along with the special way I do it, with this very small, it’s a 19 gauge needle and 20 gauge needles, really the same needles we use to do injections and I’m making...

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