
Neuromodulators and Injectable Soft Tissue Substitutes

Chapter 28: Neuromodulators and Injectable Soft Tissue SubstitutesCorey S. Maas MDTM FACS, 1,2 Kenneth C.Y. Yu, 3 Kristin Egan MD 11 Division of Facial Plastic Surgery, University of California at San Francisco, CA2 The Maas ClinicTM, San Francisco, CA3 Department of Otolaryngolo...

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Soft Tissue Fillers and Facial Plastic Surgery Practice

Chapter 11: Soft Tissue Fillers and Facial Plastic Surgery PracticeCorey S. Maas, M.DTM, FACS & David Lewis, M.D.The portfolio of products available for surgeons in the soft tissue filler market has grown rapidly over the past several years. Clinical indications have expanded...

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Botulinum Toxins for Facial Wrinkles: Beyond Glabellar Lines

Authors: Steven H. Dayan, MD and Corey S. Maas, MDManuscript developed by IntraMed Educational GroupDraft Date: November 2, 2006[Data source: published literature; authors]Botulinum toxins for facial wrinkles: beyond glabellar linesSteven H. Dayan, MDa and Corey S. Maas, MDb,ca...

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